Experience The Seekers Method for yourself, for 7 days, FOR FREE! Sign up today for The Seekers Method Experience and see what it’s like to be coached by a Life Coach to weight loss success!
Enrollment is Currently Closed
In the 7-day Seekers Method Experience you will receive:
Daily Coaching via an Exclusive PRIVATE Facebook Group.
During our 7 days together, you will receive guidance as you pick the MEAL PLAN that works best for YOU for this age and stage of your life.
You will work to identify your obstacles to weight loss; and learn strategies to OVERCOME those obstacles.
You will receive guidance on creating a weight loss plan as I teach you about your Goal Weight/Goal Date.
Phased Weight Loss Calendar.
We will step through the process of creating a personalized meal plan and walk through the steps to Plan, Shop, Prep and PHASE your weight loss strategy.
You will experience a Sunday Seeker Session which is A LIVE Coaching with Me where I will help you begin your journey to weight loss success.
Lastly, at the end of The Seekers Method Experience, I will give away 1 FULL ACADEMY Membership to the woman who has shown the MOST desire for change and has displayed the most likely to be coachable by their engagement in the 7-day experience.
(+ a few surprise FREEBIES!)
My Own Seeker's Story
This is ME ladies!! For years, I struggled to find a “diet” or a weight loss program that met me where I was in life.
As I stepped further into motherhood, and out of my thirties, weight loss increasingly became a problem. An absolute uphill battle. For me, it evolved into a source of depression.
As my identity and my time shifted from being ‘me focused’ to ‘other focused’, I lost grasp of my ability to control much in my life. The idea of losing control of my appearance led me to isolation and even alcohol.
Soon, I was on a cocktail of antidepressants and failing to lay hold of my worldly desires of perceived success. Until I prayed for God to guide me, to help me find the right weight loss program. And in that instant; I heard his answer in my heart. He told me that I “hadn’t found it because I hadn’t written it, yet!”
What HE knew then was that I would go on to live out and write The Seekers Method. The Seekers Method for weight loss is a God directed, God empowered method for weight loss that has equipped me with the tools that I needed to achieve my physical goals while seeking Gods will for my life.
Since writing and DOING the Seekers Method, I have truly learned HOW to stop conforming to the patterns of this world with diets and instead to actually renew my mind and thinking patterns to SEE life through spiritual eyes as I transform my body.
With every day that I switched my focus from seeking a number on a scale to seeking Him; He strengthened me to become who he’s meant for me to be all along. If The Seeker’s Method for Weight Loss can work for me; it can work for you too! But don't just take my word for it, here are a variety of testimonials from other Seeker's ladies just like you!
Click below learn more about The Seeker's Method