I know how hard the hard things are on your weight-loss journey. I’m right here doing them with you. But somehow, doing this with God, for a greater purpose, makes it all worth it! I see the suffering involved on this weight loss journey, and I get excited, not because of what I will look like in June. But because I KNOW God is transforming me, equipping me, preparing me…strengthening me. For things that are in my future that I don’t even know about yet! And therefore, I value being obedient. I value the suffering that I must endure internally, so that I can be made strong enough to transform externally. And Jesus is my teacher. He is my example. I mean think about it. Even though Jesus was God’s son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. From. The. Things. He. Suffered. so if you are struggling, I need you to know that you cannot learn to be obedient without pushing through the suffering. We’re not talking about starvation here. We are talking about practicing obedience. Practicing yoking with Jesus. Practicing yielding to that still small voice as you comply and just do what you need to do, what you should do, versus what you just want to do. when you see it all from this perspective, you see the value in being obedient. You see the value in the suffering. You see how the suffering is required of you, to refine you, and to position you to be used by God! Now that, is worth it! Don’t you agree?
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Subscribe to my podcast for FREE CHRISTIAN Life Coaching for Weight loss tips; "Even in weight loss with Sherrie Kapala".