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How to be naturally thin for any event!

Writer's picture: Sherrie KapalaSherrie Kapala

How to be naturally thin for any event

I remember working so hard to lose weight for a family vacation. We were going to be one of many families renting at home on the ocean and I was going to be one of 5 moms with a child under the age of 1. This meant that we had all just had babies. And most of the moms had more than three kids so none of us were strangers to the pressure we felt to lose weight in order to be swimsuit ready for the vacation. I’m happy to report that I lost the weight in time for the trip. By no means was I in perfect shape, but I felt great enough to pick out a swimsuit and actually wear it. And after we returned from that trip, somehow, I managed to gain all the way back. In fact, I got even bigger. I actually became the biggest I’d ever been. I remember thinking that I’d never actually lost the baby weight of my last child until I stumbled upon those family vacation photos. I’d forgotten that I had actually lost that weight. And there I was in that moment, looking at those photos, realizing that I had lost the weight and found it AND MORE, again. Maybe you can relate to this? As I’ve gone on to develop a career of helping women to lose weight, I see the same pattern in them, the pattern that I used to have; that I just described. Losing weight for a date. For an event. But when there's NO event...there's no ability to lose the weight.

So HOW do you get out of this pattern? How do you START BEING motivated to lose weight IF you don't have a vacation coming up. Or a BIG wedding. Or maybe your 1st/2nd Honeymoon?

What I did, that I never even realized until just recently, was I changed my finish line.


I changed my reason. God became my reason to lose weight. No one ever told me that I needed to be healthy before weight loss would actually happen in my aging body. No one ever told me that I needed to BE healthy to step completely into the call God has for my life. I have 6 questions for you:

  1. What if GOD could be REASON enough for you to STOP the quitting and the cheating; how would this strengthen your resolve?

  2. What could that change in your life if He were your reason to quit cheating/sabotaging?

  3. How specifically could that prepare you to be PERPETUALLY ready for any event and always just naturally thin?

  4. In what ways could this make weight loss be easier and more joyful?

  5. What do you NEED to change daily to make Him your reason? Your Finish line?

  6. When will you start?

He knows what you need at any given moment to stay strong, to restore your health, and to lose weight. What God revealed to me ON MY JOURNEY was that my weight loss process was a part of my becoming; part of my sanctification journey. This might be just what you need right now to grow spiritually, emotionally, and even physically stronger. Restoring your health might be the very thing he need you to do for you to completely step into his will for your life.

What I didn’t know then that I know now, is that God is the REAL secret to be in vacation, wedding, reunion ready, health ready size at any and all times. The secret is this: God wants you to choose him over this world. Did you know that there are 43 verses in the Bible where he says that he wants to be your God? This implies that we are to be, that we GET TO BE, his people. There is no area of our lives, therefore, that is exempt from Him being our God; us being His people. We’re just blind to it. We don't know how to go to God for the things we need. What's worse, we don’t see how we go to other things in this world to meet our needs, that can only be met by God. Other ‘things’ that meet our needs of comfort, energy, joy, relief, or even fullness.

God promises to meet all our real needs, not necessarily all our desires. Whereas false gods, the things that we run to for comfort or easy, these false gods meet all of our desires and NEVER our true needs.

Let that sink in for a minute. God promises to meet all our real needs, not necessarily all of our desires. That means he is the answer to restore your health. He knows what you NEED, like a good parent, over what you desire. A lot of times what you desire is NOT what you need and it’s the very thing keeping you imprisoned in your fat pants. God knows what you need, when and why, so your health can be restored. The byproduct of restored health is weight loss.

Luke 12:29 says, don’t be concerned about what you’ll eat or drink. Don’t worry about it! These thoughts dominate unbelievers. But your father knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and he will give you everything you need…

Even in weight loss!

As I close, I want to add that in Ezekiel 11:20 God says that He will be our God, and we, His people, but that means that we not only KNOW His word, His statues & His regulations but that we OBEY them. My encouragement for you today is to change your weight loss goals. Don’t just be weight loss focused. Be focused on a full and complete life IN CHRIST. Seek Him daily, understand your Christian Values and use them to guide your decisions daily. If you struggle with Temptation, know what God’s word says about it and then trust it! If you know what God’s word says about what you can do, through His Spirit, then do it! Trust him more than you trust this world or your flesh! Identify the idols that you’re running to when you run to them and how to replace them with the one true God. I believe that when you make God your goal, weight loss becomes effortless and SOON you’ll find yourself being naturally thin and ready for any event. Weight loss will be a thing of your past…a thing that led you to restored health spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Lastly, it's not enough to know what God's word says. You must do what it says...even in weight loss!

The Seeker's Method for Weight Loss is a Group Coaching program for Christian's looking a supportive, Faith-Based weight loss environment. It will be open in December for early enrollment. We begin together in January of 2022.

You're invited to follow me for more FREE coaching via YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, & INSTAGRAM. I have a free podcast called, Even in Weight Loss with Sherrie Kapala. Subscribe today so you don't miss a day of weight loss tips, insights and Biblical truths!



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