Has God CALLED you to LOSE WEIGHT? He called me to a Big change in my life and WEIGHT LOSS was the result.
As you may or may not know, I have a private coaching practice where I share daily devotionals and revelations from God’s word and encourage women as they seek God instead of a # on the scale. Today I’m sharing an excerpt of what I shared with the women in my private coaching program. Below, what you will see, is what I shared in response to the scriptures that were 'Today's TSM daily devotional'. The scriptures that God used to speak to my heart today were: 2 Timothy 4:17 & Romans 8:28. Here's your sneak peek at what I shared...
I’m here. I’m with YOU. I’m doing the work.
I know how hard it is. I know the sacrifices. The sadness that comes as you mourn over the things that don’t fit this new life. Last night Landon had a bowl of popcorn that my flesh reasoned with logic because it was movie night. But The Spirit whispered “Not even 1 kernel”. So I made a faux hot cocoa on a hot summer night and watched a movie with my family. I couldn’t even drink 1/2 of it before I was full.
But it wasn’t always like this. I used to hear His guidance and bow instead to my flesh.

My master. And it kept God distant.
I can’t explain why or how. Other than NOW, as I yield to His guidance, I find less sorrow and more strength. I find more desire within me to obey. And now I’m reminded that it’s because He stands with me & gives me strength. And in my love and obedience, He causes everything to work together for my good. Could God purpose me to lose weight? Perhaps as a blessing to what He’s called me to do. He’s purposed me to gain RIGHT priorities. Strength. Confidence. Joy. Hope. Faith. All in Him. Not a diet. He’s purposed me to seek His Kingdom above all else and to have no idols. He’s purposed me to be holy and righteous.
He’s purposed me to be a living sacrifice. And from THAT, he has blessed me with the right strength to lose weight.
Know that I’m here with you. Walking in and yielding TO the spirit, leveraging self-discipline. You have within you the same capabilities that I have. Has God commanded you to lose weight? Perhaps? But He certainly has commanded you to seek Him above all things of this world.
Are you doing that?
God always gives you the strength to do what HE has commanded. The strength may not be evident, however, until you stop step out in faith and actually begin doing it… Even in weight loss.
See it as JUST weight loss and feel the struggle.
See it as LIFE GAIN and feel His strength.
To learn more about me, or about my private Weight Loss Coaching Program, The Seeker's Method, go to:https://www.sherriekapala.com
For more FREE weight loss content, subscribe & listen to my podcast, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/even-in-weight-loss-with-sherrie-kapala/id1519614620
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